Head Coach David Iwanyszyn has been the Head Coach of the Northwest Narwhal Swim Club since it was founded in 1999. He has been Coaching in the Region of Northwestern Ontario since 1989. David is married to his wife Kateryna and has two boys aged 18 and 13 named David and Marko.
David Iwanyszyn
Head Coach
Narwhal Coaches
Andy was a Canadian National Team swimmer for five years and continues to train and compete in Masters swimming. He has been a very active coach in both Masters and Age Group swimming and is extremely passionate and enthusiastic about the sport of swimming
Andy Ritchie
Assistant Coach
Barry has been coaching with the Narhwals since 2010. Both his kids were Narwhal swimmers and his daughter Kaitlyn was a coach for a number of years with our club as well. He is a very dedicated and he is very passionate about swimming.